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(ql:quickload :weavejester.crypto-keystore)
A library for managing Java keystores in Clojure, with an emphasis on compatibility with OpenSSL.
Currently very much in development.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[crypto-keystore "0.1.0"]
There aren't many functions yet, but you can create a blank keystore:
(use 'crypto.keystore)
(def ks (keystore))
And then import certificates in OpenSSL PEM format from an I/O object like a file:
(import-cert ks "server" (io/file "server.crt"))
Or just as a raw string:
(import-cert ks "server" (slurp "server.crt"))
You can also export certificates, either as a string:
(export-cert ks "server") ;; returns the certificate string
Or into an I/O object:
(export-cert ks "server" (io/file "new-server.crt"))
Copyright (C) 2012 James Reeves
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.