git clone ''
(ql:quickload :taylorlapeyre.oj)
A refreshing Clojure library for talking to your database, heavily influenced by Ring.
The SPEC file provides a complete description of the OJ interface.
Add this to your Leiningen :dependencies:
[oj "0.3.0"]
You'll also need a database driver (thanks to yesql for providing this handy table):
|PostgreSQL|[org.postgresql/postgresql "9.3-1102-jdbc41"]
|MySQL|[mysql/mysql-connector-java "5.1.32"]
|Oracle|[ ""]
|SQLite|[org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc "3.7.2"]
|Derby|[org.apache.derby/derby ""]
Queries are represented as a Clojure map. The full specification of a query map can be found here.
(def users-named-taylor
{:table :users
:select [:id :email]
:where {:first_name "taylor"}})
Queries can be executed by passing a query map and a database config into oj/exec
``` clojure
(def db {:subprotocol “mysql”
:subname “//”
:user “root”
:password ""})
(oj/exec users-named-taylor db) ; ⇒ ({:id 1 :email “taylorlapeyre@gmail”} …) ```
Modifiers are functions that transform a query map into another query map. This allows us to chain them together. Some basic modifiers are provided by default at oj.modifiers
``` clojure
(require [oj.core :as oj][oj.modifiers :as db])
(defn find-by-username [username] (→ (db/query :users) (db/select [:id :username :email :created_at]) (db/where {:username username}) (oj/exec db-config) (first)))
(find-by-username “taylorlapeyre”) ; ⇒ {:id 1 :username “taylorlapeyre”} ```
OJ's roots in regular Clojure data structures make it extremely powerful for building abstractions. ``` clojure (defn user [& forms] (let [query (reduce merge {:table :users} forms)] (oj/exec query db)))
(user {:where {:id 1}}) ⇒ SELECT * FROM users WHERE
(user {:where {:id 1}} {:select [:id :username]}) ⇒ SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE ```
Not quite ActiveRecord, but it's getting there. And in 3 lines of code no less!
Of course, you can also perform all of the standard CRUD operations that you'd expect: ``` clojure (defn create [user-data] (when (valid? user-data) (→ (db/query :users) (db/insert user-data) (oj/exec db-config))))
(defn update [id user-data] (when (valid? user-data) (→ (db/query :users) (db/where {:id id}) (db/update user-data) (oj/exec db-config))))
(defn delete [id] (→ (db/query :users) (db/where {:id id}) (db/delete) (oj/exec db-config))) ```
How about using SQL's aggregate functions? OJ allows you to use those as well, using a Clojure-like syntax.
For example, to get the average price of all items:
(-> (db/query :items)
(select '(avg :price))
(oj/exec db-config))
; => 46.76
For more advanced uses, OJ will provide the data in a useful format.
(-> (db/query :items)
(group :published)
(select [:published '(avg :price)])
(oj/exec db-config))
; ({:published 1 :avg {:price 64.35}}, {:published 0 :avg {:price 10.35}})
OJ gives you a lot of flexibility. For instance, you could write some custom modifier functions and then execute them when you like. This allows you to combine them. ``` clojure (defn find-by-username [query username] (→ query (db/where {:username username})))
(→ (query :users) (find-by-username “taylor”) (oj/exec db-config) (first)) ```
If you'd like SQL queries logged to your console when executed, you can enable it by setting the environment variable PRINT_DB_LOGS
to true.
Copyright © 2014 Taylor Lapeyre
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.