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(ql:quickload :ninjudd.ring-async)
Ring adapter for supporting asynchronous responses.
To use ring-async, add the following to your :dependencies
[com.ninjudd/ring-async "0.2.0"]
To return an asynchronous response that doesn't consume a thread for the duration of the request,
just use ring.adapter.jetty-async/run-jetty-async
instead of ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty
return a response map where the :body
is a core.async channel. Then, simply use a go
block to
add data to the body asynchronously.
(ns ring-async-sample
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer [go >! chan close!]]
[ring.adapter.jetty-async :refer [run-jetty-async]]))
(defn handler [request]
(let [body (chan)]
(go (loop [...]
(if ...
(>! body data)
(recur ...)))
(close! body))
{:body body}))
(defn start []
(run-jetty-async handler {:join? false :port 8000}))
If you'd like to use ring-async for Server-Sent Events, you can use eventual, which provides helper libraries for both the Server in Clojure and the Client in ClojureScript.
Copyright © 2013 Justin Balthrop
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.