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(ql:quickload :lambdaisland.kaocha-cljs)


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ClojureScript support for Kaocha.


;; deps.edn
{:deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {...}
        lambdaisland/kaocha-cljs {...}}}

Note that you must be using at least Clojure 1.10.

;; tests.edn
{:tests [{:id :unit-cljs
          :type :kaocha.type/cljs
          ;; :test-paths ["test"]
          ;; :cljs/timeout 10000                        ; 10 seconds, the default
          ;; :cljs/repl-env cljs.repl.node/repl-env     ; node is the default
          ;; :cljs/repl-env cljs.repl.browser/repl-env

For nodejs, install ws.

npm i ws

Run your tests

clojure -m kaocha.runner unit-cljs


Known issues

The :test-paths do not get automatically added to the classpath (at least not in a way that makes the sources visible to ClojureScript), so you need to also have any :test-paths in your project.clj/deps.edn/build.boot.

This is a discrepancy with regular Kaocha, where you only need to specify the test paths once.


Kaocha's execution model

Most ClojureScript testing tools work by building a big blob of JavaScript which contains both the compiled tests and a test runner, and then handing that over to a JavaScript runtime.

Kaocha however enforces a specific execution model on all its test types.

[config] --(load)--> [test-plan] --(run)--> [result]

Starting from a test configuration (e.g. tests.edn) Kaocha will recursively load the tests, building up a hierarchical test plan. For instance clojure.test will have a test suite containing test namespaces containing test vars.

Based on the test plan Kaocha recursively invokes run on these “testables”, producing a final result.

During these process various “hooks” are invoked (pre-test, post-test, pre-load, post-load), which can be implemented by plugins, and test events (begin-test-var, pass, fail, summary) are generated, which are handled by a reporter to provide realtime progress.

Kaocha's built-in features, plugins and reporters are rely on this model of execution, so any test type must adhere to it. Note that all of this is on the Clojure side. Kaocha's own core, as well as plugins and reporters are all implemented in (JVM-based) Clojure, not in ClojureScript, so even in the case of ClojureScript tests the main coordination still happens from Clojure.

PREPL + Websocket

To make this work kaocha-cljs makes use of a ClojureScript PREPL (a programmable REPL). Given a certain repl environment function (e.g. browser/repl-env or node/repl-env) Kaocha will boot up a ClojureScript environment ready to evaluate code, and load a websocket client that connects back to Kaocha-cljs, so we have a channel to send data back from ClojureScript to Kaocha. It will then send code to the PREPL to load the test namespaces, and to invoke the tests.

Anything written on stderr or stdout will be forwarded to Clojure's out/err streams, and possibly captured by the output capturing plugin.

The test events produced by cljs.test (pass, fail, error) are sent back over the websocket, and ultimately handled by whichever Kaocha reporter you are using.

Events received from the PREPL and the websocket are all placed on a queue, which ultimately drives a state machine, which coordinates what needs to happen next, and gathers up the test results.


If you're having issues, first try running with --no-capture-output. There may be relevant information that's being hidden.

To see all messages coming in over the PREPL and Websocket you can set kaocha.type.cljs/*debug* to true. You can do this directly from tests.edn.

{:tests [,,,]
 :bindings {kaocha.type.cljs/*debug* true}}


Copyright © 2019 Arne Brasseur

Available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0, see LICENSE.txt