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Validating Clojure(Script) data.
Include a dependency to the latest version as shown above in your project.clj.
To get you started try the following in a REPL:
(def data {:name "Donald Duck"
:zipcode "1234"
:city "Duckberg"})
;= #'user/data
(require '[examine.core :as e])
;= nil
(require '[examine.constraints :as c)
;= nil
(require '[examine.macros :refer :all])
;= nil
(defvalidator examine-address :zipcode (c/matches-re #"\d{5}"))
;= #'user/examine-address
(examine-address data)
;= {:zipcode ("Must match pattern \\d{5}")}
To require the necessary namespaces within your Clojure ns-form use
(:require [examine [core :as e] [constraints :as c] [macros :refer :all]])
For ClojureScript use the following snippet:
(:require [examine.core :as e]
[examine.constraints :as c])
(:require-macros [examine.macros :refer [defvalidator]])
There are three important functions in the examine.core namespace:
(rule-set keywords-conditions-and-constraints)
. See the
next section for examples.(validate rule-set data)
applies all rules of the
rule-set to the data and returns a validation results map.(messages validation-results)
creates a
map {path → seq-of-texts}.The examine.macros/defvalidator
macro combines those functions to define a 1-arg
function that returns a map with human readable texts.
Examples for rule-set specifications:
(def r (rule-set :firstname required is-string
:lastname is-string))
applies constraint functions required
and is-string
to a value
retrieved using :firstname
keyword. A value retrieved by keyword
is only checked by is-string
(def r (rule-set [:from :to] min-le-max))
applies the two-arg constraint function ‘min-le-max’ to the
arguments retrieved by keywords :from
and :to
(def r (rule-set [[:address :zipcode]] (matches-re #"\d{5}")))
applies the regex constraint matches-re
to a value retrieved
by navigating a data structure using :address
and :zipcode
in that order.
(def r (rule-set :age is-number number? (in-range 0 120)))
applies first the is-number
constraint, and applies the in-range
constraint only if the predicate number?
returns true.
You can define ad-hoc constraints like this
(defvalidator check-numbers
[[:foo :n1] :n2]
#(if (< %1 %2) "n1 must not be below n2"))
which behaves like this
(check-numbers {:foo {:n1 1} :n2 2})
;= {[:foo :n1] ("n1 must not be below n2"),
; :n2 ("n1 must not be below n2")}
You get the same message for both values because any one of them could be erroneous.
If you want a constraint to return a different message than the one it usually returns you can add the message within the rule-set specification, for example:
(def r (rule-set :age is-number number? [(in-range 0 120) "human-age-required"]))
(messages {"human-age-required" "Please specify a reasonable human age"}
(validate r {:age 150}))
;= {:age ("Please specify a reasonable human age")}
See the samples to learn more about how examine can be used.
A path points to a value. For maps, usually a keyword denotes the path to a piece of data. But a path can also be a vector of keywords that navigates into a nested structure.
A value-provider is a function that takes a path as single argument and returns the corresponding value.
A constraint is a function that takes one or more arguments, and returns nil if the data is valid. Otherwise it returns either a message or a validation-result.
A condition is a predicate. Conditions are used to stop application of constraints after a condition returned false.
A rule is a pair of a path vector and a vector of constraints and conditions. If a condition returns false for the data all subsequent constraints and conditions will be ignored.
A rule-set is a map {path-vector → constraint-condition-vector}.
A message is a string or a vector. If it is a vector the first item must be a string and all subsequent items are values. The string denotes a key that has to be translated to human readable text by a localizer. The values are used to replace placeholders in the localized text.
A localizer is a function that takes one key and returns a human readable text, possibly containing placeholders (see java.text.MessageFormat).
A validation-result is a map of the following form: {data-path → {constraint → message}}. If a message is nil then the validation for data-path + constraint was successful.
map-data-provider – Returns a value from a possibly nested data structure using the given path. Path can either be a keyword or a vector of keywords and indexes (as expected by get-in).
has-errors? – Returns true if the given validation-result contains at least one message.
rule-set – Creates a rule-set from keywords, constraints and conditions.
sub-set – Creates a rule-set from a given rule-set that contains only constraints that apply to the given paths.
update – Creates a validation-result from the first argument by recursively adding all validation-results from the second argument.
messages – Returns a map of all message seqs from the given validation-result.
messages-for – Returns a sequence of all messages from the given validation-result that apply to the given path.
validate – Takes a value-provider, a rule-set and data and returns a validation-result.
defvalidator – Defines a function in the current namespace that takes data and returns a map of message seqs.
from-pred – Takes a predicate and a message and returns a constraint.
no-exception – Takes a function with arbitrary number of arguments and returns a constraint that returns the exception message text if any is thrown.
Concrete constraints:
Additional predicates:
Predicates stop further validation when they return false.
load-messages-map – Loads a property file from classpath and returns a map (only Clojure, not ClojureScript).
default-language – Returns the language code using Javas
(Clojure) or goog.LOCALE
localize – Takes a messages map and translates the key to the corresponding human readable text.
*default-localizer* – A var that points to a localizer that uses the default language and a corresponding property file content for translation.
Copyright 2016 F.Riemenschneider
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.