git clone ''
(ql:quickload :datskos.ring-netty-adapter)
As an alternative, please see aleph
This repo adds (experimental/alpha) Netty support to Ring
(use 'ring.adapter.netty)
(defn app [req]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "Hello World from Ring-Netty"})
(run-netty app {:port 8080})
You can try out the demos; they are the same as the ones in the Ring repository, except here they use netty as the backend server instead of jetty.
$ lein jar
$ java -cp "lib/*:*" clojure.main example/hello_world.clj
$ java -cp "lib/*:*" clojure.main example/wrapping.clj
$ java -cp "lib/*:*" clojure.main example/linted.clj
Currently there are 2 branches: master (clojure 1.1) and compat-1.2 for clojure 1.2 support. The only difference is proxy vs reify (reify performs better).
I'm getting roughly 7k req/s with 1.1 and 9.5k req/s with 1.2 using an unscientific benchmark on my not-quite-so-new machine.
To use the netty backend, include ring-netty-adapter in your project.clj's :dependencies
[ring-netty-adapter "0.0.3"]
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