

git clone 'https://github.com/Raynes/bultitude.git'

(ql:quickload :Raynes.bultitude)


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Bultitude is a library for finding namespaces on the classpath.


user=> (require '[bultitude.core :as b])
user=> (take 10 (b/namespaces-on-classpath))
(bultitude.core-test bultitude.core clojure.data clojure.string clojure.test clojure.xml clojure.inspector clojure.repl clojure.set clojure.test.junit)
user=> (b/namespaces-on-classpath :prefix "bultitude")
(bultitude.core-test bultitude.core)
user=> (b/namespaces-on-classpath :prefix "bultitude" :classpath "src")
user=> (b/namespaces-on-classpath :prefix "bultitude" :classpath "src:test")
(bultitude.core bultitude.core-test)

Value for :classpath can either be a String containing paths (using the underlying operating system's path separator), or a collection of File objects.

By default Bultitude will ignore files that have unreadable ns forms in them in order not to cause problems with projects that include moustache templates on their classpath. Most functions take an ignore-unreadable? arg which you can set to false to make it propagate exceptions from the reader.

The Name

I don't know. You'd have to ask Phil about that one.


This library is a library similar to clojure.tools.namespace. It is designed to find namespaces on the classpath. This one was ripped from Leiningen's core because we decided it should be publically available to everyone.

This library was originally devised in Leiningen because Leiningen had a few specific needs that clojure.tools.namespace did not provide. Furthermore, the library's author seems to be ignoring some issues with the library (having declined a filed issue about it so far) that makes the library explode when ran across a namespace with a namespace form that the reader cannot read. We ran into this problem because lein-newnew has mustache templates with .clj extensions and namespace forms with mustache syntax inside of them, and it would break any project that was using tools.namespace. If you have this kind of problem, you can use this library instead.

Furthermore, this library has a few useful features like being able to provide your own classpath as a string and for only looking for namespaces matching a certain prefix.

Note that regarding the above, the author of tools.namespace did eventually fix the issue. This library is still necessary and maintained because:

New features have been added to tools.namespace recently, and when I get some time I'll see about porting them over.