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(ql:quickload :mefesto.wabbitmq)

NOTE: This project is no longer being maintained

This was one of my first clojure projects and it was fun. Its design is based on similar patterns found in the old clojure.contrib.sql (clojure v1.2 days?) by using dynamic vars to manage connections, channels, etc. Early on this seemed cool but things quickly became hard to work with. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to update this library with the lessons learned.

This repository remains in case anyone still uses it. Although, if you still use it I recommend switching to langohr which is actively maintained and better designed or simply use the RabbitMQ Java Client directly.


WabbitMQ is a Clojure messaging library for use with RabbitMQ. It wraps RabbitMQ's Java AMQP client library (v2.8.1).


First add the following to your project.clj:

[com.mefesto/wabbitmq "0.2.2"]

Next, let's setup a binding between a test exchange and queue. You could do the binding within your producer/consumer code but I like to separate this out so the producer/consumers only need to be concerned with their respective exchanges or queues and not how they are bound. For example, you can start out with a direct exchange and later change to a topic with routing-key pattern matching without impacting the consumers.

(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq])

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
    (mq/exchange-declare "" "direct")
    (mq/queue-declare "test.queue")
    (mq/queue-bind "test.queue" "" "test")))

Now let's implement a simple producer for our test exchange:

(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq])

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
    (mq/with-exchange ""
      (mq/publish "test" (.getBytes "Hello world!"))))) ; test is the routing-key

And here is a simple consumer:

(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq])

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
    (mq/with-queue "test.queue"
      (doseq [msg (mq/consuming-seq true)] ; consumes messages with auto-acknowledge enabled
        (println "received:" (String. (:body msg)))))))

WabbitMQ depends on RabbitMQ's Java client which passes messages around as a byte-array. It would be more convenient to pass messages around as strings or objects and let the library handle the conversion. So, WabbitMQ allows you to provide different content-type handlers for altering the message body. Below is an example:

;; example producer
(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq]
         '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq.content-type :as mime])

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
  (mq/with-channel {:content-types [mime/application-json]}
    (mq/with-exchange ""
      (mq/publish "test"
                  {:content-type "application/json"}
                  {:fname "Allen" :lname "Johnson"}))))

;; example consumer
(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq]
         '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq.content-type :as mime])

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
  (mq/with-channel {:content-types [mime/application-json]}
    (mq/with-queue "test.queue"
      (doseq [{body :body} (mq/consuming-seq true)]
        (printf "received: fname=%s, lname=%s%n" (:fname body) (:lname body))

A content-type handler is a vector of three functions:

  1. A test to determine if this handler supports the given content-type.
  2. An encoding function that takes the message and converts it to a byte-array.
  3. A decoding function that takes a byte-array and converts it to some data type.

Provided are basic implementations for text/plain, application/json and application/clojure. Take a look at src/com/mefesto/wabbitmq/content_type.clj for more information about content-type handlers.

You should use a separate channel per thread. Here is an example of a consumer using multiple threads to process messages:

;; producer
(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq]
         '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq.content-type :as mime])

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
  (mq/with-channel {:content-types [mime/text-plain]}
    (mq/with-exchange ""
      (dotimes [_ 10]
        (mq/publish "test" {:content-type "text/plain"} "Hello, world!")))))

;; consumer
(require '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq :as mq]
         '[com.mefesto.wabbitmq.content-type :as mime])

(def num-consumers 5)

(defn consumer []
  (mq/with-channel {:content-types [mime/text-plain]}
    (mq/with-queue "test.queue"
      (doseq [{body :body} (mq/consuming-seq true)]
        (printf "%s received: %s%n" (Thread/currentThread) body)))))

(mq/with-broker {:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}
  (mq/invoke-consumers num-consumers consumer))

Broker configuration options

For use with the with-broker macro:

Channel configuration options

For use with the with-channel macro:

Exchange configuration options

For use with the with-exchange macro:

Queue configuration options

For use with the with-queue macro:

Message properties

This is a Clojure map of the following properties. This map is converted to an instance of com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP$BasicProperties:

Consuming messages with consuming-seq

consuming-seq pulls messages from the currently bound queue. The full function signature is (consuming-seq auto-ack? timeout) with overridden versions with the following defaults:


In order to run tests you'll need RabbitMQ locally installed. The tests will try to connect with the following configuration:

{:host "localhost"
 :username "guest"
 :password "guest"
 :virtual-host "test"}

;; or using a uri
{:uri "amqp://localhost/test"}

You'll probably have to create the test vhost:

$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost test
$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p test guest . . .



Copyright (C) 2012 Allen Johnson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file COPYING.